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How Children Learn from Shapes and Objects in Daily Life


Have you ever wondered how children perceive the world around them? How do they make sense of the shapes and objects they encounter every day? And, How can we tap into the world of shapes hidden within our daily surroundings and help the children understand and identify them?
In the Let's Start Art session in May, we conducted art sessions on "Shapes and their Usage", where children shared their understanding of various shapes and objects they see in their daily lives.

Children are naturally drawn to shapes and objects. Whether it's the square tiles on the floor, the ice cream cone, or the round-shaped chapati, their inquisitive minds are constantly seeking patterns and connections. But what is the significance behind this innate curiosity?

Shapes are fundamental to a child's cognitive development, serving as the building blocks for spatial awareness. So, how can we seamlessly integrate shape learning into children's daily experiences? Learning about shapes is wider than the confines of a classroom. By transforming ordinary moments into shape adventures, you can encourage the children to view the world through a new lens—where squares, circles, triangles, and rectangles become hidden treasures waiting to be discovered.

Associating objects with shapes helps children grasp abstract concepts more effectively. For instance, when a child learns that a clock face is a circle, they can better understand the concept of time and its cyclical nature. You can turn everyday moments into valuable learning opportunities for your child.

Children are naturally curious, and we can harness this curiosity by encouraging them to question and explore shapes in their environment in meaningful ways. Ask open-ended questions such as, "What shapes do you see around us?" or "Can you find something shaped like a circle?" This prompts them to observe and identify shapes present in everyday objects, like clocks, plates, or traffic signs.

The art sessions were conducted by Kavita Kumari, Harshita Gupta, Chandan Kumar Sahu, Radha Gupta, and Moni Gupta in Government Primary Schools at Kabir Nagar, Aditya Nagar, Orderly Bazar, Durgakund-1, Sundarpur-1, Sundarpur-2, Kodai Chowki, Nayi Sadak, Chittupur, Lolark Kund, Nariya, Bhikharipur. 

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